Encyclopædia Britannica Brand Guidelines
Thank you for using the Encyclopædia Britannica API. By using our API, you have chosen to share content from America’s most trusted source of information. When Encyclopædia Britannica content is displayed on your application, you must follow the guidelines below.
Using the Encyclopædia Britannica logo
- All applications using the Encyclopædia Britannica API must feature the Encyclopædia Britannica logo.
- You are not allowed to edit or modify the Encyclopædia Britannica logo.
- The logo is approved for use up to a maximum width 200px or below.
- Whichever image is downloaded, please be sure to keep the “®” (registration symbol) visible and on the bottom/right of the logo.
- If you need assistance with the Encyclopædia Britannica logo, please contact: images@EncyclopædiaBritannica.com.
- The official color of the Encyclopædia Britannica Logo is blue (R:6 G:68 B:102 or #084466). Black, gray scale, or line art versions of our logo may be also used. Contact us (as mentioned above) if alternate colors are needed.
- To use the Encyclopædia Britannica logo on a web page, download the appropriate ".ai" image file.
Using the Encyclopædia Britannica Brand Name
When referring to our company name, please use "Encyclopædia Britannica Inc." You may also use "Encyclopædia Britannica's" when the possessive is used to modify the following product name. Please note that "Encyclopædia Britannica Inc." does not use a comma. If using "Encyclopædia Britannica, Incorporated" one would use a comma.
Using Encyclopædia Britannica API Product Titles
- Encyclopædia Britannica product titles should be written out in full, including "Encyclopædia Britannica's" which is part of most titles. Please refer to our API Product Descriptions for an API's full and proper title.
- When using the word "Collegiate," add a superscript registration symbol directly after the word (example: "Collegiate®"). It is only necessary to use the registration symbol the first time "Collegiate" is used on each page.